Finding gratefulness after loss of a loved one

When we lose our loved ones, it is devastating. Nothing can describe the pain.

How can anyone possibly find something to be grateful for in the midst of all that pain. I get it. I have been there.

Five years ago when I lost my younger brother, Michael, just four days after I lost my Dad, I never dreamed I would find gratefulness in my healing process.

Don’t get me wrong…there were some really dark days when only my faith pulled me through.

But in the process of healing, I felt as if my eyes were opened. My view of the world and my perspective on life and death changed. I became keenly aware of the blessings around me. I looked at life events, my choices, my successes and my failures in a new light.

I looked at everything as though it was a lesson that life was teaching me. I treasured not only happy moments but painful moments. I felt there was something I needed to learn in each precious moment.

I had a greater awareness that all the experiences in my life were happening FOR me and not TO me,

…and for that, I am grateful.

In the wake of my tragic losses I also found my purpose and passion...a passion that led me to my current career as a certified life coach.

I help people navigate through the inevitable crossroads in life in order to create positive transformation. It's my transformation-mission or "trans-mission" for short (love it when I can use a car reference),

...and for that, I am grateful.

Good times with people you care about, getting gifts you don’t expect, or just appreciating what you already have, can all trigger feelings of gratefulness.

But sometimes, gratefulness can also come from the most tragic events in your life such as the loss of people you love. Through pain, I gained wisdom,

…and for that, I am grateful.

If you want to chat more about moving forward after a loss, let’s talk.