There I was…recently heartbroken after breaking up with my boyfriend, falling down a rabbit hole watching YouTube videos on all things dating. I was listening to every coach, guru, expert; you name it, just looking for answers.
I realized pretty quickly that sometimes, this can cause you to overthink, overanalyze, live in the past, or try to predict the future.
I had to clear my mind from the clutter. You see, when your brain sees a problem, it tries to solve it. It creates an "open loop" until it can solve the perceived problem and "close the loop." The endless "chase" going on in your head can affect your focus, causing you to be less productive. You can also spiral into a negative mindset which can potentially be debilitating.
So what did I do to get out of my funk? I did something that may seem a little weird...
I started organizing. Immediately, I felt happier. Organizing brought me back to the present moment as it forced me to focus on the task at hand. I have always loved looking at things that have symmetry, balance, aesthetics and clarity. An organized space has all of those components. When I am done organizing a drawer, desk, closet or room, I feel a sense of accomplishment. It frees my creative energy and gives me a sense of calmness and peace. When I feel overwhelmed or scatter-brained (or am feeling down), I organize or even clean something. It brings me back to the present moment and gives me a “win” that raises my energy.
I highly recommend you try this. Plus, you know you need to clean out your closet!
Don’t get stuck watching too many videos or listening to sad songs if your heart is broken. Whatever tasks boost your energy, go for it. Or do what I do. Organize!
Not only do I now have an organized space; I’m also moving on and doing it with a renewed sense of calm.
If you want to chat about organization and de-cluttering your mind, let’s talk.